2014 Looks Exciting Already! | Webanywhere Blog

Published: December 31, 2013

Happy New Year from everyone at Webanywhere!

Before we crack open a bottle and welcome in the New Year this evening, we’d like to wish everyone, customers and non customers alike, the very best for 2014.

It looks set to be an exciting year already – and here are the three things we’re looking forward to the most…


School Merits

Our first brand new product for Primary schools since 2012 will allow you to track pupils’ progress, as well as make learning much more rewarding for your class. School Merits takes the avatar feature currently in Learnanywhere, our primary VLE, and takes it to the next level. Children will be able to buy clothes, accessories and even ‘donate’ the credits they earn through good work to charity. Sounds exciting doesn’t it! Find out more and register your interest at www.schoolmerits.com.

Design An Alien Avatar Competition

This month, we launched a joint competition with Planet Sherston. In a similar way to our own avatar competition in September, primary school children have been asked to create a character – this time an alien for the games-based learning world. If you’re on Twitter, keep an eye on the hashtag #DesignAnAlien for the latest news and see recent recent entries from schools around the country. If you’d like to enter your school or class, and stand a chance of winning a Planet Sherston subscription, click here.


The BETT Show

Who isn’t? Every year, we get to speak to thousands of teachers and ICT gurus at the show, and this time ’round it’ll be even more exciting. Not only is this the 30th Anniversary of BETT, but we’ll be unveiling School Merits for visits to try! Plus, smaller schools will have the opportunity to purchase a new, more affordable version of School Jotter. School Jotter Lite will contain many of the features that’s made School Jotter the UK’s leading Primary school website system, but without some of the less essential aspects. Find out more about School Jotter Lite by contacting us here.

If you’re looking forward to 2014 – let us know why! And of course, if you’d like to start the New Year with a new school website, or by using e-learning to engage pupils and promote e-safety, just get in touch! We’d love to hear from you.

But for now – Happy New Year!

Has your school entered the Create Your Character Competition?

Category: Company News

Published: September 24, 2013

Last week, Webanywhere launched the Create Your Character Competition – a chance for primary schools across the country to win thousands of pounds worth of e-learning prizes.

It’s also an opportunity for school children to get creative – and possibly even see their work incorporated into our learning platform, Learnanywhere.
We asked primary schools to get their pupils creating new des
igns for avatars – characters – like the ones currently available in Learnanywhere. Avatars are a great aspect of Learnanywhere: Every time a pupil creates a good piece of work, or achieves a good test score, their teacher can award them ‘points’ on Learnanywhere. These points can then be used to purchase accessories for their avatar. Therefore, the avatars provide a great incentive to work harder – and children love them!

Our assembled judging panel will review all the entries – and five winners will see their characters created for Learnanywhere by our designer.

There are also thousands of pounds worth of prizes to be won: the five winners will receive e-learning packages for their school. Five runners up will receive mini e-learning bundles, and their avatar made into an exclusive poster for their school.
If you fancy getting your class, or your school, involved, there’s still time to register for your teacher’s pack. This will help you plan lessons around creating the characters for the competition, plus give you vital information and guidance when submitting your work.
October 4th, 2013 at 4pm is the closing date – so register now and get creating! Just go to www.webanywhere.co.uk/createyourcharacter. For more information about this competition, including terms and conditions, email competitions@webanywhere.co.uk.