Merry Christmas! | Webanywhere Blog

Published: December 24, 2013

As Christmas Day is almost upon us, everyone at Webanywhere would like to wish you and your school a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

2013 has been an eventful year for us, with changes in Ofsted/DfE requirements meaning we’ve spent more time working alongside, and helping, schools meet the necessary criteria with their website. It’s also been a year that has seen School Jotter become the UK’s most popular Primary school website system – and you can check out the new School Jotter website here.

So, we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone we have worked with in 2013 for their custom and support – you have helped us to continuously enhance our products and services, and our successes are because of you.

We have an exciting year ahead – beginning with the launch of our brand new rewards app, School Merits, which you can find out more about here. As always, we welcome your feedback, comments and suggestions about this exciting new product.

Sean Gilligan, our MD, recorded a message for our customers last week – you can watch it by clicking the link below.

See you in 2014!

A big thank you to all our customers

Published: September 3, 2013

Our MD Sean Gilligan has recorded a video to thank our customers, both old and new, for all their support over the years as we reach our 10th birthday.

This is a big landmark for us, having come a long way in a decade. The company has grown quickly in the last few years, but we remain true to our founding vision and values – to innovate, to stretch beyond expectations, to create jobs, and to improve learning outcomes.

It is an exciting time in the educational technology sector, as online tools become the norm and are having an ever greater impact upon learning, and providing access to knowledge for all around the world. Here’s to the next ten years, to new markets, new innovation, new growth – but the same appreciation and regard for our customers, the core of our business.

Local Entrepreneur Inspires Future Business Leaders

Published: July 9, 2013

Last week, Webanywhere’s Managing Director, Sean Gilligan, shared his story and experiences with Year 9 students at Holy Family Catholic School, Bradford, for their Enterprise Day. Sean inspired the school by explaining how starting up your own business can be an exciting and rewarding career choice for school leavers.

After his presentation Sean set an Apprentice style task, where pupils were split into groups of eight. Each group had to pick a name for themselves and assign a Project Manager, who then led their team in completing the task, which was to identify a problem in the school and solve it.

After a brainstorming session, each team presented to the rest of the Year 9 students and teachers, with innovative and inspired ideas. These included a salad bar for the school and a student support service. The teachers then scored them out of ten in the style of the Strictly Come Dancing judging panel.

The winning idea was thought up by the group ‘8 Minds’. They came up with the idea of having an ‘Electro-card’, a swipe card that could be used to pay for things in school, for example dinners or trips. This card could then be topped up by parents, avoiding the need for cash in school.

The teams who presented the top three ideas were all given Webanywhere goodie bags.

Sean Gilligan said: “Enterprise Day was a great exercise for Year 9 students to generate creative business ideas. Starting your own company can be within anyone’s grasp ­ and I hope some of these young people at Holy Family Catholic School will be business leaders for Bradford and West Yorkshire in years to come.”

For more information about what Webanywhere do for schools, or to learn more about our work with the community, email me at

New Business Support in Keighley

Category: Company News

Published: September 30, 2010

Webanywhere MD creates a place where people and their business ideas come together
Our MD, Sean Gilligan, has started an initiative called Co-Working Keighley. Local people who want to start their own business can develop their ideas in collaboration with like-minded others, speeding up the time taken to develop and launch their business projects.
Sean’s goal for Co-Working Keighley is to provide free support and mentoring from a circle of subject experts that will help other people to become successful in business and create jobs for the local community.
Part of Webanywhere’s company office has already been partitioned off to create desk space for the first batch of co-workers, who are free to use the office area for full time or occasional use.

All new members of Co-Working Keighley will be given their own free website to get their business underway. At the office site, free parking is available plus gym facilities. In addition members can expect free mentoring in a wide range of subject areas, free WiFi, hot desking, tea and coffee. Now add a games room with Playstation, Wii, Pool and Table Football, and other like-minded creative people keen to meet, support and encourage. That’s Co-Working Keighley.
Full details, including how to apply to join Co-Working Keighley, are available from the Co-Working Keighley website.