Anti Bullying Week – Monthly Round Up & Podcast

Published: November 26, 2015

This month to mark November’s Anti Bullying Week we’ve been producing lots of blogs to help you teach all about bullying in the classroom. We’ve covered lots of areas, from how to prevent cyberbullying in your school, through to all manner of websites you can use to help teach anti bullying. Here’s what we’ve been up to:
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Anti Bullying Week – Anti Bullying Assembly for KS1 & KS2

Published: November 19, 2015

With this week being Anti Bullying week in the UK we thought we’d help you teach students about bullying with this brief but clear presentation on what bullying is, what to do if you’re being bullied and the golden rule on being happy. It’s about 10 minutes long and includes some fun animations suitable for primary school children, KS1 and KS2. Click the link below to request a download of the presentation.

Anti Bullying Presentation

Anti Bullying Week – How to help prevent cyberbullying in your school

Published: November 5, 2015

It’s November, which brings with it not only the falling of the leaves and Fireworks Night, but also Anti Bullying Week from the 16th to the 20th of November. It’s important that, as a teacher, you not only help deal with bullying from an authoritative perspective but also help teach students how to act when confronted by intimidating behaviour. Cyberbullying in particular is an ever-growing problem, with social networks and email offering semi-anonymous tools for pupils to talk about one another, or even upload private footage and images. Here are our top tips for reducing cyberbullying in your school.

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