Quick & Easy Easter Crafts for Primary Schools

Published: March 7, 2016

Easter is fast approaching and primary teachers are looking for quick and easy ideas to engage students with DIY crafting. With that in mind, we created the infographic below, where teachers and pupils can find some of the greatest and simplest craft ideas for the classroom.
Many teachers are using our Resources app to store all the great ideas, documents and images they create or find online. This helps them to enhance the learning experience of pupils every Easter.

Website Of The Week: Debdale Federation

Published: May 31, 2013

Webanywhere work with a number of Federations, and one recent School Jotter 2 website created was for the Debdale Federation. Consisting of two schools, Yeoman Park School and Redgate School, the Debdale Federation went for an exciting splash page featuring a colourful image of the two schools, as you can see above.

Clicking on the relevant school on the splash page takes you through to the area of the website dedicated to that school. Once past the splash page, the design is simple and straightforward; however, the content that has been uploaded is succinct and fits the school website theme and design perfectly.

There is a real ‘community’ feel to this website, and the two Nottinghamshire schools have kept this theme throughout – particularly with the School Community section. Here you’ll find full details of everything from staff structure to a list of Friends of Debdale Federation. The Extended Services section is also interesting, giving details of other activities the school provides outside of the normal 9-3.30 – like their Summer Play Scheme, for example.
Splash pages are a great way to introduce your website to visitors and allow you to be really creative with images and design. To find out more about School Jotter 2, and bespoke splash pages, click here. To view the Debdale Federation website click here.

Website Of The Week: Wimborne Infant School

Published: April 23, 2013

On their School Jotter 2 website, Wimborne Infant School describe themselves as a ‘safe, bright, airy and colourful school’ – and, using School Jotter 2 to its full potential, this is the impression you get when you visit their website.

The Southsea, Hampshire school has gone for a background on their website that reflects their locale: all British townhouses and local wildlife. The content they’ve uploaded to the website equally reflects the ethos of the school: bright, fun pictures of children learning, and a warm friendly, welcome letter from the Headteacher.

One of the strongest features of the website is on the homepage – Wimborne Infant School have put a comment from Ofsted there, along with a parent’s thoughts on the school. This is perfect for attracting potential pupils’ parents.
Some of the school website is yet to be finished – but Wimborne Infant School have made a very promising start.
If you’re looking for a brighter, more engaging primary school website – send us a message via our Contact page. Take a look at Wimborne Infant School’s website here.