Using the new Jotter Safety Shield button

Published: November 6, 2015

Those of you who logged into School Jotter recently might have noticed a new button in the top right of your dashboard – a shield.

This is Jotter Safety Shield – our latest tool to help you, your students and your staff deal with potentially harmful or offensive content. It’s a free update, included with all relevant School Jotter products, and you won’t have to do anything to activate it – it should have already appeared in your dashboard!
So what does clicking it do?

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Anti Bullying Week – How to help prevent cyberbullying in your school

Published: November 5, 2015

It’s November, which brings with it not only the falling of the leaves and Fireworks Night, but also Anti Bullying Week from the 16th to the 20th of November. It’s important that, as a teacher, you not only help deal with bullying from an authoritative perspective but also help teach students how to act when confronted by intimidating behaviour. Cyberbullying in particular is an ever-growing problem, with social networks and email offering semi-anonymous tools for pupils to talk about one another, or even upload private footage and images. Here are our top tips for reducing cyberbullying in your school.

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Infographic: Stopping bullying in schools

Category: Support

Published: November 4, 2015

Bullying is a huge problem in schools (and elsewhere) despite massive strides made in the last few decades. We’ve compiled some of the more shocking statistics about bullying into this useful infographic, which you’re free to use. Click the image for the full-size version.

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Nurturing Online Learning – Are We Visiting Your Town?

Published: February 25, 2014

Webanywhere’s recent string of Nurturing Online Learning events have been a huge success – and we’re now planning more for March and April.

During February, to coincide with Safer Internet Day, we’ve visited Manchester, Swindon, Halifax and London – with two more events, in Carlisle and Birmingham, scheduled for this coming Monday. Each event, joint-hosted by Webanywhere and a local primary school, covered e-safety and cyberbullying, and Ofsted requirements for school websites. Both sessions of each event were delivered by CEOP Ambassador Tracey Gentle.
During each session, cyberbullying was covered in detail: What it is, how teachers can spot it, and how your school can prevent it in the future. Then, Tracey helped teachers make sense of Ofsted’s ever-changing list of requirements for school websites, discussing each area in plain English and giving suggestions as to how, aside from pleasing the inspectors, a school website can benefit from meeting the requirements.

At each event, a local school presented their website and explained how they used it to its full potential – engaging parents, pupils and other teachers.
If you missed our recent events, we’re now scheduling follow-up sessions for late March and April. Most will cover e-safety and Pupil Premium, and will take place in Oxford, Liverpool, Norwich, Chelmsford, Blackpool and a follow-up event in Birmingham.
To keep up to date with our latest event news, and to find out when the dates of the new sessions are, keep an eye on our events page ( and our Twitter handle (@webanywhere_ltd).