Everything you need to know about your Jotter Mobile v1.8 Update

Published: April 28, 2017

Jotter Mobile just got even better with the release of v1.8, which will roll out across all apps by May 5th.
After lots of market research our developers have created the features you most requested, and we hope you will benefit from this free update.                     
Here are some of the changes you can expect to see:

Custom apps:

  • Custom sections in the navigation structure. Each custom link consists of a name, icon and an URL. You can define up to three custom sections.
  • Reordering and disabling of sections in the drawer menu and the dashboard tray. These are edited from the Mobile Centre module.

All apps:

  • Notification badges on sections within the app. These show that new content has been added but not read by the user.
  • New expanding dashboard tray option. This can be configured at the delivery stage or can be added with PCR.

If you would like more information about v1.8 or Jotter Mobile please call 0800 862 0492 or fill out our short contact form.

Website of the Week – Woodlesford Primary

Published: November 3, 2015

“Is that one of ours?” I asked our delivery tech in disbelief, seeing the website for Woodlesford Primary on his monitors. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that School Jotter websites are unattractive, but they certainly have a style to them, and not one Woodlesford fits. Here’s a website that demonstrates just what’s possible from our designers, developers and our software – I think I honestly have a new favourite website (sorry Warden Park, you still look fantastic though!).

What Woodlesford represents is a fantastic fusion of both photography and graphics, presented beautifully through our uber themes, the overall effect being modern and professional, yet also uniquely a primary school website. The bright colours and bold text are enticing to children, while also being useful and informative for staff. Everything is clearly labelled and information is easy to find – there’s even a Google Map embedded at the bottom of the page.

The school maintains an active calendar as well, demonstrating the power and versatility of the School Jotter Calendar app (included free with all School Jotter products), with colour-coded and informative notes on upcoming events and meetings. What we will point out, though, is that there’s also the potential here for some more use of the news features – another free app included with Jotter Site. Rather than PDF downloads, a proper feed of news items can be provided and automatically updated.
Overall, we’re really, really impressed with this website, and especially proud that it’s a local school too (our head office is just a few miles down the road in central Leeds!). Congratulations to Woodlesford Primary, here’s to many more years as happy customers!