Mobile App for Parents

Category: Jotter Mobile

Published: March 5, 2023

School Mobile App for Parents

Mobile phones have become an integral part of daily life, and this is especially true for parents in the UK. With an overwhelming majority of UK adults using smartphones, it’s no surprise that mobile devices have become a go-to tool for managing family schedules, keeping in touch with loved ones, and accessing important information about children’s health and well-being. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at 10 statistics about parents and the use of mobile phones in the UK, highlighting the growing importance of digital communication tools in modern family life.

Here are 10 statistics about parents and the use of mobile phones in the UK:

  1. According to a survey by Common Sense Media, 75% of UK parents say they feel addicted to their mobile phones.
  2. A study by Ofcom found that 79% of UK adults use a smartphone, with the majority of users checking their phones within 30 minutes of waking up in the morning.
  3. A survey by YouGov found that 47% of UK parents say they use their mobile phone during family meals, with 12% admitting to using their phones “all the time” during meals.
  4. According to a survey by Parent Zone, 90% of UK parents say they allow their children to use mobile phones or tablets at home, with the majority of children getting their first device between the ages of 6 and 10.
  5. A study by Deloitte found that 76% of UK parents use their mobile phones to help manage their family’s schedule and activities.
  6. According to a survey by Netmums, 71% of UK parents say they use their mobile phones to keep in touch with friends and family, with 62% saying they use social media apps to do so.
  7. A study by O2 found that 69% of UK parents use their mobile phones to take and share photos and videos of their children.
  8. According to a survey by Mumsnet, 63% of UK parents say they use their mobile phones to read news and current events, with 34% saying they check the news multiple times a day.
  9. A survey by Barnardo’s found that 70% of UK parents say they use their mobile phones to access information about their children’s health and well-being, such as medical advice and appointment reminders.
  10. According to a survey by Statista, the average daily time spent on mobile devices in the UK is 3 hours and 23 minutes, with 68% of that time spent on smartphones.

The statistics show that mobile phones are an integral part of the daily lives of UK parents, with many using their phones to manage their family’s schedule and activities, keep in touch with friends and family, and access information about their children’s health and well-being. Additionally, many parents allow their children to use mobile phones and tablets at home, highlighting the importance of digital communication in modern family life.

Given these trends, it’s clear that schools can benefit from investing in digital communication tools that make it easier for parents to stay informed and engaged with their child’s education. The School Jotter app offers a range of features that make it easier for parents to access school news, photos, and other important information on the go. With galleries, news calendars, and notifications that sync with the school website, parents can stay up to date with school activities and events without having to check multiple sources.

By providing a delightful experience for parental engagement communication, the School Jotter app can help schools strengthen their relationship with parents and improve overall communication and engagement. With more parents relying on mobile devices to stay informed and connected, schools that invest in digital communication tools are more likely to meet the needs and expectations of today’s parents. Overall, the School Jotter app is a smart investment for schools looking to improve parent-school communication and engagement.

Ready for the New Era of School-Parent Engagement?

Published: December 26, 2022

school mobile apps

Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the way schools and other educational institutions are managed has been transformed significantly. 

Schools are nowadays deploying personalised mobile apps to facilitate superior communication between parents and teachers. And this is only one of the benefits of deploying a school app.

How can parents be more involved in school life?

When it comes to traditional norms, parents generally attend their child’s school physically to maintain track of the student’s progress. However, in this era, such a practice has become unnecessary. Most parents are busy these days and it can be difficult for them to visit their children’s schools often.

Thanks to the availability of school apps, parents may still stay in touch with their kids’ schools, and that too, in real-time. 

Since school apps are meant for mobile phones, parents can stay in touch even on the go. All they need is a mobile device and a reliable internet connection. As you can understand, school apps have significantly transformed how parents communicate with teachers and school admins.

Parents can also read school letters, key calendar events, as well as submit their child’s absence forms online through these custom apps, saving school administrators’ time and making things easier for parents.

Focus on your school to home communications

Mobile-based school apps can be used to provide convenience and link individuals to the information they need in their daily lives. 

Students and parents can receive the most up-to-date information on school events and extracurricular activities via apps, which can also serve as a quick reference point for communication of the following:

  • School news
  • Letters home
  • Emergency notices
  • Calendar events
  • Important Links
  • View photos and galleries of school life
  • Submit forms, such as for child absences

It is a given that school apps can facilitate real-time updates and communication, keeping parents in the loop, with push notifications so that parents are alerted of new content and updates from the school.

Utilise multiple communication channels for positive engagement

Communication can be facilitated in a variety of ways, ranging from email to social media. However, each channel has a maximum capacity for the type of communication it can handle. Email, for example, is best for sending academic resources, social media is best for community discussions,  and mobile apps are best for pushing content to parents.


As we speak, the pandemic has almost vanished from most parts of the world. As life returns to normal, children have started returning to their schools and parents are working overtime to ensure that their children have a successful academic year. As it stands, parents are becoming busier than ever.

At the same time, the right extent of communication between parents and teachers is of utmost importance as far as the students’ overall development is concerned. This is where a school app comes into action.

We believe this blog will help you make the right decision, as far as deploying a school app is concerned. It is time to take your teacher-student-parent communication to the next level.

Top 5 criteria to build a school app

Published: November 14, 2022

Amazing mobile apps for schools

“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.” – Charles Darwin

The scope of mobile apps lie beyond shopping, gaming and binge watching. Thanks to school apps, parents can now stay connected to their child’s school via mobile. This ensures they never miss out on any important information. Let’s glance over some of the benefits of school apps.

  • Dispenses news and updates related to events, class timings, schedule, courses, competitions and much more
  • Serves as a quick reference point for events calendars, school policies, news etc
  • Promotes events, sponsorships, fundraisers, volunteer services to reach out to more parents

After assessing the wide-ranging benefits of school apps, let us take a look at some of the criteria for establishing a school app.

Top 5 criteria you need to consider 

The way we learn and teach has undergone a sea change in the post-pandemic world. School apps have bridged the gap between teachers and learners, creating a simpler and engaging learning experience.

Here are the top 5 factors you need to consider as you set out to create a robust and multifunctional school app:

1. Reach out to parents

Your school app should facilitate the process of reaching out to parents. Ensure the process of registration and login are safe and secure for parents. The content should be streamlined for your targeted audience. Thus, parents ought to be able to view the latest updates relevant to their child’s class or year group.

2. Provide up-to-date news, letters and integrated calendars 

You should be able to share the latest school updates and notifications so that all stakeholders are kept in the loop regarding the most recent school news. Another key aspect is the use of integrated calendars for keeping key events and reminders easily updated so that users never lose sight of important events and notifications.

3. Mobile forms for absences and other feedback

Mobile apps are a great opportunity to gather responses straight from parents. Within seconds of launching an app a parent can have notified school administrators of sick days and other absences. Forms can also be setup for feedback on recent events, or anything else you can imagine. Allowing parents to us mobile forms means parents won’t all need to call the school at the same time in the morning, saving time for parents and teachers.

4. Relive memories with school gallery

Create a dedicated gallery section on your school’s website where you can share photos from events throughout the year. This will evoke a sense of nostalgia and belonging for the existing students. Moreover, newer students and their parents will get a glimpse of all the events and activities of the past couple of years. A walk down memory lane will make your students cherish those moments even more.

5. Make it user-friendly 

What accounts for a significant and purposeful app experience is the quality of interaction between users and the app. School apps ought to focus on creating simple yet effective UI interfaces that are easy to navigate and appeal to the eyes.

A clear layout, well-designed digital tools, readily accessible features allows users to focus on the task at hand instead of getting distracted by unnecessary features or elaborate layout.


The needs and demands of education are going through a transition phase, especially in the post-Covid era. In the process of prioritising the needs of students, teachers, parents and administrators, let’s not forget the massive utility of a school app. No matter what your goals are or what your budget is, a mobile app is undeniably an invaluable asset that’ll benefit your school in the long run.

SJ3 Mobile App: Standing on the shoulders of giants’

Published: July 11, 2022

The History

The original Jotter Mobile app, as part of the School Jotter 2 suite of products, was a ground-breaking innovation which changed the market for school mobile apps. The app was deeply integrated with school’s websites and provided a real benefit to parents and schools alike, namely that content could be shared directly into the pockets of parents, instantly, and for a far cheaper price than traditional printed letters in school bags.

The original app was deployed at more than a thousand schools, and used by hundreds of thousands of parents across the United Kingdom. The app has met with acclaim with more than 3,400 reviews and has averaged 4.6 stars across both the Apple App Store and Google Play, and could be found amongst the Top 20 educational apps on the App Store.

Since its launch in 2016, the app has been improved a number of times. The original concept of many separate apps was changed and apps combined into one, benefitting parents with children in multiple schools needing only a single app to access all of school life. Features such as direct messaging were added, and even a unique video-calling option was developed to support remote education during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.


The Opportunity

Our investment in the School Jotter 3 platform presented an opportunity to take stock of the success and consider feedback, both the good and not-as-good, that we received from the parents and schools who used the original mobile app

As we began the School Jotter 3 project we were able to factor in the mobile app from day 1, whereas with School Jotter 2 we had to bolt on the mobile app functionality after the platform had been in use for a number of years. This allowed us to change the way that content is built within the new School Jotter 3 content modules and syndicated to both the website and the mobile app.

Logins by Default

One of the core differences is that we now require logins for all users of the apps. This change was done to ensure that the app would work consistently for all users and to provide the best long-term user experience. With the School Jotter 2 app, logins were optional, however, we found that this could confuse parents who might miss messages as they did not realise they were not logged in.

Our approach is akin to Facebook – you log in to the app and then remain logged in until you want to log out or switch to use a different phone. If you are logged out you will see the login box, which is clearer to a parent than showing a padlock in the corner of the home screen. This decision was the result of many discussions as we were aware that this requires a little extra setup initially.

To ease the onboarding of parents we have switched to generating registration codes, using MIS data, rather than requiring schools to set up and maintain usernames and passwords. These registration codes can be sent to parents as letters by mail merge (or via a text-messaging platform) and parents are then free to register with their own email address and a password of their choice. This also simplifies password resets as parents are in control of their accounts.


Modern Design

A new app was a new opportunity for a redesign, again giving space for us to rethink the choices we made the first time around. Our new design strives to give parents clear and immediate access to the information they need, while still keeping enough branding so that our customers feel it is an accurate representation of their own identity and ethos.

When designing the new app we decided to take a content-first approach. This included a pared-down design that doesn’t distract from the content that schools are presenting to parents. Of course, the app still makes use of the school name, logo, motto, and colors – but in a way that is sympathetic to the content itself. In order to validate the designs we built the whole app using Adobe XD to prototype the look and feel of the app, and the feedback to this from customers and user groups was overwhelmingly positive.

As with all technology, the last 6 years have seen significant progress in terms of tools, trends, and evolving user expectations. In building the new app we aim to have taken advantage of the best progress made, and we intend to keep building upon this over the lifecycle of the new app for many years to come. Our new design allows us to make changes down the road without negatively affecting the branding, which we think is a better prospect for our customers.


Content Targeting

It is important with any communication tool to make sure that the right messages and content reaches the right audience; the opposite is also true – our lives are busy and hectic enough already without unwanted pings from irrelevant push notifications interrupting our days!

With the original app, there were settings for parents to opt-out or opt-in to categories of content, with categories being set up for year groups, classes, or anything else a school decided. This worked well in theory, however what was seen was that near-universally parents never changed these settings from default. This meant that parents received all the updates, even those which were not relevant to them and their children.

A key change in the School Jotter 3 mobile app is that content can be targeted to parents based on what is relevant to them, crucially – without any setup required by the parent themselves. We achieve this by allowing all content to be tagged as public or private, and being associated with a particular group or groups of parents. This works for the content that is shown within the app and for the push notifications which are triggered when content is added or scheduled to appear. By syncing data from the school’s MIS and linking up parents, students, and classes the majority of the ‘hard-lifting’ is automatically done by the system.


The Future

With the new mobile app being introduced at the very start of the School Jotter 3 lifecycle, we envision that the new app will have a longer lifespan than its predecessor. This allows us to take a long-term view on the roadmap of the product, and the app that parents use in 5 years will not necessarily offer the same features of the app today.

By building the mobile app in tandem with the new platform we can ensure that any new features added to the School Jotter 3 system can also be adopted in future versions of the mobile app. This could involve messaging, booking parents evenings or booking equipment, payments, or things which aren’t even on our radar yet.

We are excited and proud to launch the new mobile app and we look forward to schools joining us on the next major chapter of our School Jotter platform. To find out more or for a demo of our app please call us on 0113 3200 750 or email


Top 5 Reasons Why an App Could Benefit Your School

Published: May 12, 2022

55% of all page views in the year 2021 came from mobile devices. Mobile applications are increasingly being preferred by people over desktops as they are convenient and easy to browse. 

As a result, more businesses are opting to have their own apps in the market as a way to connect with people. Your school can also benefit greatly from an app of its own.

It is not only a platform to put all the relevant information about the school happenings, but it also provides a space for students, parents, and staff to communicate as a community.

Top 5 advantages of using an app in school

Mobile applications have played a significant role in shaping education in the modern era. They help make studies fun and engaging for the students. Parents can stay updated about the school activities with their help.

The entire community can get involved to improve education with the help of easily accessible apps. Here are some of the most prominent benefits it offers.

1. Keeps everyone updated with the latest information

The traditional methods of circulating information via newsletters and notice boards were not effective in reaching every student and their parents. Apps allow schools to truly reach out to everyone in the community to relay information.

This is especially important for time-sensitive events such as cancellation of classes or urgent meetings being held.

2. Promotes communication

With apps being highly accessible, parents are more willing to use them to interact with the school and other parents. They can share their experiences and help others out.

Things that earlier required meetings and the physical presence of people can now be accomplished far more effectively without needing the people to leave their homes.

3. Boosts parent-teacher engagement 

Apps allow parents and teachers to have transparent conversations about the students. Earlier, teachers had to mostly rely on students relaying a message to the parents and their direct conversations were mostly limited to parent-teacher meetings.

Now, parents can view things like attendance records and their ward’s grades and bring their concerns to the teachers at any moment to brainstorm solutions. 

4. Promotes involvement of the community

It becomes easier for the school staff to organize and host events with the use of applications. They can inform the parents about them and entertain their concerns on the app. They can also spread the word about events better.

Mobile applications make it easier for everyone in the community simply because they are convenient and easy to access. People are not as likely to miss notifications or messages on their mobile as they would be to miss letters and circulars.

5. Saves you time and money

It may seem counterintuitive that maintaining and managing an application regularly saves you money and time, but it is true. It serves multiple functions in one place and streamlines processes in the long run. You can save so much time by ensuring effective and speedy communication. 

For example, instead of printing newsletters, you can simply make them available on your app. It allows easier navigation than a physical newspaper. It also allows users to save stories to read later.

Again if you consider the school websites, they take a lot of time to load and open up. While an app takes less time to download and is much faster. It is an easier substitute to a website and ensures a single click access to most information. 

Managing aspects such as attendance is also easier digitally. You can track students’ records and analyze them to present insights into their performance. Not only do you save time, effort, and money, but you also take a step toward a paperless society with your school app. 

About School Mobile Apps

Having an online presence is a must in the digital age, apps simply help you create a functioning one for your school.

They are a boon as classes are held in an online setting. Moreover, they serve various other purposes such as opening communication channels between teachers, students, and parents.

People can stay up-to-date with the happenings of the school, clear their doubts, and voice their opinions conveniently with the use of applications. They give them a chance to contribute to the community.

Top 6 reasons why your school should switch to an online calendar system

Published: January 31, 2022

Does your school still use a paper-based diary to maintain the important dates and events? 

Understandably, shifting from old-school traditions takes time but if your school is not taking advantage of paperless solutions, such as an online calendar, it truly is missing out on opportunities to save valuable time. 

An online calendar is a significant tool that helps in not only keeping your diary organised but also makes communication easier and streamlines existing processes to make them more efficient. 

If that got you interested in using an online calendar, then take some time to go through the significant benefits listed below. 

1. It is sustainable 

With constant updates and communication around climate change, a sense of awareness has been created about being more responsible towards being sustainable and eco-friendly. It makes all the more sense to move away from paper-based solutions and adopt paperless solutions. 

Online calendars work best in reducing the digital footprint of your organisation as well as paper wastage. 

2. It is secured

A physical diary is always exposed to security threats owing to its nature of being portable and vulnerable. You might easily lose it or damage it, and there is no chance of it having a backup. 

With an online calendar, these challenges do not surface at all. You can easily link an online calendar to your email and also password protect it at all times. The best part is you can easily back it up on cloud to avoid any loss of data. 

3. It helps you save time 

With a physical diary, you have to keep on adding the meetings and events as and when they happen, else you might forget to appear at the right time. 

However, with an online calendar, you can save plenty of time by creating an event once and setting it up on a daily, monthly, or weekly basis by changing just a few settings. Also, if you have attendees for your meeting, they will get automatic updates if the meeting is cancelled or the dates are modified.

4. It is easy to coordinate

In the new normal of remote working, if you had to physically collate appointments from the calendars of different people, it could turn out to be a really tiring job and even more so if these people are working out of different locations. 

An online calendar is very convenient for the simple fact that it can be accessed from any location in the world and by anyone who needs access to that information. 

5. It integrates with other platforms

The best thing about an online calendar is that it can very well integrate with other platforms of your school, such as your school website and mobile app

If you would like the parents or students to access your online calendar, you can simply sync it with your internal system and the information available on your calendar will be made public. They will easily be able to see the dates of online events and other necessary information they need to access anytime. 

6. It enhances your productivity levels

Besides all other benefits, you can use an online calendar to boost your productivity levels. 

You can block dedicated slots in your calendar to complete the priority tasks within that time slot. You can either block time to complete an urgent school project or have dedicated one-on-one sessions with your students or other school members. 

Blocking slots also ensures that others do not send any meeting invites during that time or disturbs you with any unnecessary interventions. 


As you can see from the points mentioned above, an online calendar doesn’t just enable you to schedule your online events and meetings, but also acts as a time-saver and productivity enhancer. 

Start using an online calendar today to save your valuable time for handling the most critical functions of your business. If managing an online calendar is your only worry, then you can definitely take the help of School Jotter

Improving The Channels Of Communication With Parents

Published: January 24, 2022

The pandemic has disrupted everything in day-to-day life, schooling is no exception. With having to deal with so much at the moment when it comes to matters in and outside school, maintaining communication with parents can potentially take a backseat.

Effective communication with parents is especially important during these uncertain times and should not be neglected. It helps keep parents in the loop and their anxieties at bay. It lets them know the school cares just as much about their child’s well-being. 

Most importantly, when parents are well-informed of the happenings of the school, they can rest assured that the school is well-equipped to help the students adapt to the new post-pandemic lifestyle. In fact, they would be willing to contribute to it as well.

What are the options of communication channels? 

Thanks to the boom in technological resources, especially after the pandemic, there are several communication channels available. You have texts, emails, letters, and circulars for formal communication. The school website acts as a notice board of sorts as well. 

Then there’s the informal method of group chat and phone calls for urgent messages. Lastly, there are software and apps that act as an exclusive internal system solely focussed on information sharing.

Pick a few, not all

You can pick whichever option you like but don’t pick all. It’s simply a waste of your energy and redundant for the parent. They may even miss an important message or two thinking they are repeated messages if they keep receiving the same message on every channel. 

The ideal way to go about this would be to pick two or three channels at most. If the parent misses the message on one channel, they will receive it on the other. Make sure they are not similar channels as that would diminish the effectiveness.

Say, if they miss the message on the app, there is a chance they may also miss it on text as both are mostly viewed on mobile phones. Thus, the second channel of communication should be something like email or letters. Letters are received personally, and emails can be viewed on desktops and tablets as well.

Make sure the message is received 

Effective communication is a two-way street. You should strive to be available for the parents at all times. They should be able to reach out to you, clear any doubts they may have, and ask questions. This can be tricky given everyone’s busy schedules, but it is essential to make sure they are on the same page as you. 

Make sure they have understood a message, not just received it. Perhaps they can respond with something like ‘understood’ upon receiving any update. It automatically opens up the way for them to ask questions if they have any. 

Additionally, opt for shorter messages delivered more frequently instead of longer occasional ones. It’s easier to pay attention and respond to shorter messages and frequent communication creates a better sense of being in the loop.

Encourage input from parents

46% of parents say that they wish to support their child’s education better. They truly are interested in being active partners in their children’s education should they get the proper ways to do so.

To make them feel invited, begin by personalising your messages to them. Establish a positive and inviting tone with your messages. Invite their input but don’t force them into it.

Ask them about their child’s strengths and weaknesses. Ask them what kind of a support system they think their child needs, and how you can provide it to the child. 

Final words

Schools have come a long way in improving communication with parents, aided well by technological advancements. The next challenge lies in involving parents as equal partners in their children’s education. 

Providing effective communication to the parents makes them feel like a part of a team with educators. Parents are willing to do their part. The focus should be on building relationships between educators and parents and personalising the communication. 

Could your secondary school benefit from a mobile app?

Published: January 13, 2022

We all know that smartphones have taken over our lives, but did you know that 87% of the UK population used a smartphone in 2020 and the smartphone to population penetration was 72%? 

With those numbers, it can only make sense for your school to take advantage of this to help increase parental engagement. But how exactly can this be done?

A mobile app for your secondary school could be the perfect solution, getting key messages out to parents, whilst also helping your school to run more efficiently and reduce costs. 

How do school apps enhance communication for secondary schools? 

With a school mobile app, you can significantly improve the quality of communication between your school and parents or guardians. If you do not have a robust communication strategy in place, chances are you will not be able to deliver superior-quality communication. 

Here are a few ways in which you can work on your communication process with a school app:

  • Simplify the onboarding process

     — For an app to be successful, you need to make sure as many parents and guardians as possible use it. With our school app, you can onboard parents easily. We offer full training to your staff so they can confidently help parents to get the most out of it.
  • Reduce admin time

    — Using a digital solution to communicate with parents and guardians means there is a huge drop in additional costs from traditional communication methods, like printed newsletters and updates. It also saves a lot of time for your staff.
  • Provide access to an integrated booking form for events and open days

    — you can save a huge amount of admin time alone with integrative bookings. Allow teachers to set their availability for parents evenings and open days, and parents can book a lot direct. 
  • Offer better targeted communication

    — You can send messages to those parents who have not responded to earlier messages, and thereby ramp up the engagement levels. Being able to know which parents have received or read your messages, further enables you to understand how active or engaged they are on the app. Accordingly, you can contact them when they come to the school to pick up their children or set an appointment. 

Let’s consider the next question. 

How does a school app help you save costs? 

Here is a quick look at some of the cost-saving benefits that are offered by a school app: 

  • Saves on printing costs

    — There is a lot of paper used in the UK schools on a daily basis. Having a school communication app can boost your green credentials and make your journey towards a paperless future easier than ever. 
  • Saves administration efforts

    — Relying on students to pass on paper notes to their parents and then have the parents communicate with the school authorities can be a really cumbersome process. With a school app, there will not be any wasted communication with the parents. 

If you too are considering a mobile application for your school, try School Jotter. Here are a few features offered by the app that are worth considering:

  • Editable app

    — Schools can personalise their dashboard, adding and removing links relevant to the time of year
  • Custom design

    — It pushes the school’s brand and ethos, no boring template look
  • Syncs with website

    — It seamlessly integrates with the school website and helps to prevent any duplication of work and reduces workload

That brings us to our next question. 

Why should you consider the School Jotter app?

Check out some of the key benefits here:

  • Mobile centre enables you to contact and be contacted by individuals or groups of parents at no cost
  • Get access to the latest news, updates, and information delivered to your mobile at no extra cost
  • Add links to school policies and other important information.
  • Save money with push notifications over a text service that needs to be topped up
  • Syncs with website to prevent any duplication of work and reduces workload

Now if that has convinced you enough, contact our friendly professionals today at School Jotter and enable the parents and students to make the most from their School Jotter mobile school app.  

School Jotter Call Visual Walk through

Category: Jotter Mobile

Published: May 4, 2020

I’m sure you’ve heard us talking about the latest development to our School Jotter Mobile App, Jotter calls. If you haven’t, here’s a short explanation:

Jotter Calls is an additional add-on to the School Jotter Mobile App, that lets parents communicate securely with schools through video or voice calls.

So I’m sure that leaves a few questions unanswered – can parents call me whenever they want? Do I have to give my number to parents to access this? Well, this walkthrough will answer those questions and hopefully, any others that you may have. 

Set Up

Just like any of our School Jotter products, the set up of Jotter Call is super easy. If you already have our mobile messaging add on, and we have already integrated your MIS with your School Jotter account, then it will only take a few minutes to get switched on. If you haven’t been through this process yet, worry not! It’s straightforward to go through as we now do Groupcall integration, which means we will most likely be able to get you set up very quickly and painlessly. 
We use MIS integration as it means that all your data is stored securely, it also means that no unnecessary data has to be shared between teachers and parents.

Teacher Journey 

Teachers select their availability times, this means parents can only call when teachers are willing and able to speak to them. Parents can contact teachers easily through the School Jotter App, and teachers can return any missed calls to parents. Having this system integrated into our app, means that teachers and parents can have one consolidated platform to communicate with parents through. Below is a visual walkthrough of the app from the point of view of a teacher using the app.

Parent Journey 

The app is incredibly easy for parents to use and navigate through. As the app will be using data from your MIS, parents will have to sign in to make a call, protecting teachers from being contacted by the general public. Below is a visual walkthrough of the parents journey through School Jotter Calls

If you have any questions about how School Jotter Call could help you, get in touch or click here to find out more.

Free Mobile App Competition! | Webanywhere Blog

Published: December 12, 2019

We’re running a competition to win a free mobile app for schools across the country. All you have to do to enter is get your pupils to create a design showing how they would like your school app to look. We’re accepting 3 designs per school so why not get every class involved, pick your final designs then send them through to

The School Jotter app pushes information straight from your websites through to parents’ phones, using push notifications, so they’re always up to date with what’s going on in your school. This saves time, increases parental engagement and can even help you go paperless, with integrated newsletter and notice functions.

All entries must be submitted by 14th February 2020 for your chance to win!

Click here to download the entry form